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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Ross

Protecting Your Business: The Importance of Regular Pricing Reviews


Like any other business, we have recently sat down to review the pricing of our services and commenced sending out updates to the client base for the forthcoming financial year. Given our financial year cycle of price-setting, a lot has changed since the last time we set them. Rampant inflation is a major consideration in recent times. We are currently dealing with the highest inflation rate seen in 32 years - most business owners have never seen conditions like it (7% is the current inflation rate as of the April 2023 quarter according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics).

As prices rise across the board, it becomes imperative for business owners to regularly review their pricing structures. This proactive approach ensures that their real return does not diminish in the face of inflationary pressures. In this article, we will delve into the significance of reviewing pricing structures, the potential risks of neglecting this aspect, and practical strategies to protect your business from the adverse effects of inflation.

Understanding Inflation:

Before we delve into the topic at hand, let's first grasp the concept of inflation. Inflation refers to the general increase in prices for goods and services over time. When inflation occurs, the purchasing power of money declines. As a business owner, it is crucial to comprehend the impact inflation can have on your operations, particularly on pricing and profitability.

Using our current 7% rate of inflation as a real life example, this effectively means that a $1 coin held in May 2022 only has the equivalent purchasing power of $0.93 as of today. If you wanted the equivalent purchasing power of that $1 coin today, you would actually need to have $1.07.

The Importance of Regular Price Reviews:

In a high inflationary environment, failing to review and adjust your pricing structure can have detrimental consequences for your business. Here are several key reasons why regular price reviews are essential:

1. Maintaining Real Return:

Businesses strive for profitability and growth. However, in an inflationary environment, nominal revenue growth alone may not be enough. Regularly reviewing your pricing structure allows you to maintain your real return, ensuring that your profitability isn't eroded by rising costs.

2. Protecting Profit Margins:

Inflation often leads to increased costs, such as raw materials, utilities, and wages. Without adjusting your prices accordingly, your profit margins can shrink significantly. By reviewing and adapting your pricing structure, you can safeguard your profit margins and maintain financial stability.

3. Reflecting Market Dynamics:

Markets are dynamic, and customer preferences change over time. Regular price reviews provide an opportunity to assess market conditions, evaluate your competition, and align your pricing with current trends. This enables you to remain competitive and capture your fair share of the market, even in inflationary times.

Strategies for Effective Price Reviews:

Now that we understand the importance of reviewing pricing structures let's explore some strategies to help you conduct effective price reviews:

1. Monitor Key Cost Drivers:

Stay informed about the key cost drivers affecting your business, such as raw materials, labor, and overhead expenses. Regularly track their fluctuations and evaluate their impact on your overall costs. This analysis will help you identify when price adjustments are necessary.

2. Consider Pricing Flexibility:

Adopt a flexible pricing approach that allows for adjustments when needed. Consider implementing variable pricing models, such as dynamic pricing, that respond to changes in market conditions. This adaptability enables you to proactively address inflationary pressures.

3. Analyse Customer Value Perception:

Understand how your customers perceive the value of your products or services. Conduct market research, solicit feedback, and analyse customer behavior to identify areas where price adjustments may be warranted. Emphasise the value proposition of your offerings to justify price increases.

4. Communicate Transparently:

When adjusting prices, it is crucial to communicate with your customers openly and transparently. Explain the reasons behind the changes and highlight the continued value they will receive. Clear and timely communication fosters trust and minimises customer resistance.


Inflationary environments can pose significant challenges to businesses, but proactive measures can help mitigate their impact. Regularly reviewing your pricing structure is a critical step to protect your business's real return and sustain profitability. By monitoring cost drivers, staying in tune with market dynamics, and adapting your pricing strategies, you can navigate through inflationary periods successfully. Embrace the importance of pricing reviews, and your business will be better equipped to weather the storms of an ever-changing economic landscape.

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